Monday, February 26, 2018

Trash or Treasure: Trumpocracy by David Frum

In Trumpocracy, Mr. Frum claims our country is in a crisis and things might go awry if he failed to intervene. He then immediately hedges everything, by saying, It's all to early to tell. What seems important now might be trivial. What seems trivial now might be important, but my publisher's given me an advance, and I'm on a deadline. Mr, Frum, thank you for your honesty.

Democracy, we are told, can end one of two ways in our country: It can be done in by either cunning or incompetence. Trump, Mr. Frum assures us, is mostly incompetent. But whatever he is, he's a threat!

Mr. Frum, evidently, often wonders what might have been, supposing some valiant legislator had fought for hardening airline cockpits before 9/11. If he/she/it had succeeded, we'd perhaps never know the debt we owed for a tragedy averted. Evidently, this is Mr. Frum's way of saying, we might never know just how important his book truly was.

He then presents his charge sheet.

Rather full of himself, isn't he? But he is Canadian after all, and I suppose 9/11 is on the mind. Like so many "Republicans", he no doubt read The Flight 93 Election. So it's only natural for him to wish someone had bothered to properly lock the door.

Verdict: Trash
Read Instead: Political Order and Political Decay     

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