Friday, March 9, 2018

Evening Browse: Segregation, Armed Teachers, Divestment, Obama, and More Tariffs

Students at the University of Minnesota are petitioning to rename the student union building. The building is named after Lotus D. Coffman, who kept the university segregated during his tenure as president. Given the current climate and momentum of things, Leftists will doubtless rename the student union building after the president that reintroduces segregated dorms, i.e. safe housing. 

Florida is set to pass its largest budget ever, set at $86 billion. The legislature will vote on Sunday. If passed, Gov. Scott will have 15 days to sign it into law. Florida is a balanced budget state, meaning the government cannot operate at a deficit. $97 million has been allocated for hiring additional school resource officers. And $67 million allocated for firearms training for teachers. 

Lawmakers in Ohio might be considering a bill requiring Ohio to divest from Russia. At present the state's pension fund has at least $2 million invested in Gazprom. That will show Putin, rumored to be among the richest men alive.

According to the New York Times, Obama might be coming to Netflix with a series of his very own. Trump started in reality television and became a politician. I suppose Obama is going about it the other way around. Frankly, I'm not sure which is worse.

Republicans in Pennsylvania are challenging the state's redistricting, accusing the Democrat controlled state Supreme Court of gerrymandering. The case will be heard by three federal judges. Republicans are seeking an injunction to prevent the redistricting from being implemented until after the midterms. State Republicans have also petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court.

Europeans are crying out one voice, Exempt us from your tariffs or suffer our wrath! Bring it. I suppose it's that sort of sentiment that gets you in a trade war. The EU is giving us 90 days to sort out an exemption.     

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